Press & Blog

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Blog: How to navigate today’s complexities of emissions management?

As environmental regulations become more stringent and the demand for accurate reporting grows, companies in the oil and gas industry face increasing challenges in managing and interpreting emission data. From diverse emission sources to evolving measurement technologies, the landscape is more complex than ever.
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The Power of Integrity

Integrity isn’t just a value; it’s the foundation of everything we do. For 40 years, integrity has driven our innovation, teamwork, and commitment to sustainability. But what does that truly mean in our daily work and for our future?
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Handing Out 60 Sheltersuits in Calgary

In the last week of 2024, our Intero Canada-Alberta team collaborated with The Mustard Seed Calgary to distribute 60 donated Sheltersuits to those in need in our community.
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Press release: Intero - The Sniffers merges with TP Europe

Intero – The Sniffers, the reference in emission management and pipeline integrity services, is pleased to announce that they have merged with TP Europe. TP Europe is a dedicated service provider delivering similar comprehensive emission monitoring programs to the oil and gas industry.
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How SABIC Manufacturing Europe enhances efficiency and visualizes emissions with software

SABIC Manufacturing Europe, located in Geleen, The Netherlands, employs over 900 staff and is part of a global workforce exceeding 32,000. In this case study, two representatives of the manufacturing site in Geleen share how emission management software helps them improve their efficiency, save time, and visualize their emission data.
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5 FAQs answered about the new European Methane Regulation

The first-ever law on managing methane emissions in the oil and gas industry has come into effect on August 4, 2024. If you are an operator in the EU, this has a significant impact on your operations. Being a service provider, oil and gas companies come to us for advice, the execution of measurements, and reporting to comply with these new rules. In this blog post, our Innovation & Advisory Team of Intero – The Sniffers answers 5 frequently asked questions from clients when it comes to the new European Methane Regulation.
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Press Release: Major Energy Company Pioneers and Partners with Third Party Intero – The Sniffers to Meet New EU Methane Regulations

Balen, Belgium – September 2, 2024 Intero - The Sniffers is pleased to announce a multi-year strategic partnership with a leading energy company in Central Eastern Europe to enhance their methane emissions monitoring, reporting, and verification. This collaboration aligns with the latest EU Methane Regulation, aiming to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the energy sector.
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Intero Secures Major Contract for Intelligent Pigging at KNPC's MAA Refinery, Kuwait

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Intero Integrity Services partners with Rivean Capital to fuel its next phase of growth.

China 1st Project Completed

Successful Completion of Our First Project in China

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4 steps to comply with the new European Methane Regulation

The European Union has recently introduced stringent regulations aimed at reducing methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas. In this blog post, our Environmental Services team of Intero - The Sniffers outlines four essential steps that EU oil and gas companies can take to ensure compliance with the new European Methane Regulation.
Conoco Phillips Award

Honored with the prestigious 2023 global Supplier Recognition Award by ConocoPhillips!


Celebrating Women in Tech: Spotlight on Rebecca

Sheltersuit distribution Canada

Sheltersuit Foundation Distributes First Batch of Sheltersuits in Toronto, Canada!

PRCI demostration photo

Demo Day at PRCI 2024

Danny Haykal

Announcement of Area Director Middle East


New Inside Intero Episodes Now Streaming!

Roni Sierra

Announcement of Customer Delivery and Quality Manager, Americas

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Detection of Cracks in Difficult-to-Inspect Pipelines Now Possible with Robotic Technology

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Announcement of New Director Inspection Services EUR & RoW

Intero The Sniffers environmental services

Intero – The Sniffers announces its support for Aiming for Zero Methane Emissions

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A Heartwarming Journey: Making a Difference in Lyon

In early 2023, on a bitterly cold night, we joined forces with the Red Cross and Samusocial de Paris to distribute 60 life-saving Sheltersuits. Thanks to the support of our colleague Barbara and Karem, we aimed to make a significant impact through small acts of kindness.

Intensive ILI Training in Taiwan

We were asked to facilitate an intensive inline inspection training for 23 trainees of our client
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Refreshing our Intero brand

We are excited to share that Intero moves forward as one strong, global brand!
Intero - The Sniffers headquarters

Philippe Guldemont appointed as Managing Director of Intero - The Sniffers

Intero-owned company The Sniffers appoints Mr. Philippe Guldemont as Managing Director effective as of June 7th 2022.
Baltic Sea Industry

Contract Award The Baltic Pipe Project

We are happy to announce that we have been awarded the Baltic Pipe Project contract!
Press release partnershipwithsensirionconnectedsolutions

Intero – The Sniffers and Sensirion Connected Solutions partner up to tackle methane emissions

Sensirion Connected Solutions and Intero – The Sniffers have partnered up to help enable the oil and gas industry to reduce methane emissions and comply with voluntary initiatives and new standards.
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Advisory towards OGMP2.0

Creating a customized roadmap toward the Gold Standard.
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The road to the OGMP Gold Standard with FGSZ

OGMP member FGSZ shares how they are working towards the OGMP Gold Standard.
PM - Case study pipeline integrity management

Case study: from Word and Excel to a pipeline integrity management platform

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How to start with Leak Detection And Repair to guarantee future success

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Pipe Explorer compatible with Mueller Fittings

Since last year, our Pipe Explorer is compatible with Mueller bottom-out fittings.
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High Flow Sampling to quantify methane emissions on vents: what, why, and how

PM - cathodic protection survey

5 success factors to manage the CP system on your pipeline network

ENV - Case study genel energy LDAR campaign

Effective Leak Detection And Repair (LDAR) for Genel Energy in Iraq

ENV - Leak tag fugitive emissions survey

Planning an LDAR campaign? Check these 6 common pitfalls first

Are you planning to start implementing or improving your LDAR program? Check these 6 common pitfalls first.
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Effective cathodic protection, pipeline inspections and third party interferences for BASF

ENV - Case study emission measurements Gasunie

Why Gasunie exceeds expectations to reach emission targets

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Why Elia relies on sniffing dogs for leak detection on underground cables

ENV - Case study Shell Deutschland GmbH

Why LDAR is more than holding a camera for Shell Deutschland

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Helping Romania achieve accurate methane emission figures

We provided our expertise in methane emission management as a partner of Utrecht University during the unique ROMEO project.
ENV - leak detection and repair survey

LDAR, vent and flare loss monitoring, and steam loss monitoring for TotalEnergies

PM - Case study leak detection with dogs exxonmobil

Leak detection with sniffing dogs for ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd