Smart LDAR – Optical Gas Imaging
Smart LDAR – Optical Gas Imaging
OGI (Optical Gas Imaging) is a screening technique to visualize gas emissions from a leaking source in an installation. This technique allows a quick scan of a large area or a scan of hard-to-reach sources such as non-accessibles, detecting the most important leaking components.
The OGI technique can be used as a standalone service where we provide ‘leak’ or ‘no-leak’ information. OGI can also be integrated into existing LDAR programs as so-called Smart LDAR programs.
In this case, we process the limited information expressed in ‘leak’ or ‘no-leak’ into mass leak information kg per year based on emission factors per source type and sensitivity of the camera. Screenings are compliant with local regulations or customer-specific protocols.

Smart LDAR – Optical Gas Imaging
Gas transmission operator Gasunie added screening with infrared cameras and High Flow Sampling to their existing contract.
Benefits of Smart LDAR - OGI
Fast leak detection
Detect leaks fast including non-accessibles
Focus on biggest emitting sources
Detect the biggest leaking sources or bad actors. Let maintenance focus on the biggest opportunities for reduction.
Comply with legislation
Realize a safe and healthy working environment for your employees and assets and comply with regulatory standards..