Logo Sniffers
Gas leak detection car 2

Pipeline integrity is everything.

The two main reasons for incidents and disruption of continuous supply remain excavation damage to the pipeline and corrosion of the steel pipes. Detecting leaks at an early stage is thus crucial to guarantee your pipeline infrastructure remains operational and is in optimal condition.

Intero - The Sniffers perform a periodic leak detection run with Best Available Techniques

  • on foot
  • by car
  • with dogs
  • or with other innovative solutions

By performing leak detection runs, you fulfill current and future legal obligations and you evaluate your pipeline’s condition. This will help you make the right decisions for future investments.

The quantification of methane emissions is quite new for the pipeline industry. This is an additional requirement for you as pipeline owner with the launch of the new EU Methane Regulation. With our in-house developed technique, our inspectors quantify the methane leak after detection

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Pipeline leak detection on foot

Our inspectors use handheld devices to walk along the pipeline. Pedestrian surveys allow you to detect leaks in remote areas.
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Pipeline leak detection by car

Leak detection surveys by car have a wider detection area. Since you cover more mileage in a day, you are more likely to find more leaks, even in the PPB range. This results in a safer environment and more methane abatement.
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Pipeline leak detection with sniffing dogs

Our dogs detect gas and oil leaks and even illegal tapping activities on PPB (Parts Per Billion) level. Even in remote areas. Our dogs have proven their unique capabilities many times before.

Comply with current and future regulations

Meet current and new legal requirements with the help of experts.

Verification is key

We don't stop at detecting leaks. We verify them immediately.

Experience and know-how make the difference

Each pipeline operator has different systems and asset types. Experience and know-how make all the difference.
PM - Leak detection dog