Another theory is that after opening a pig trap, the tool lies in a pile of mud, in the same way a pig does.
Regardless of the preferred hypotheses, ‘pipeline pigging’ or ‘pigs’ refers to several tools, usually propelled through the line, to perform a specific action inside the pipeline.
While build-up of foreign materials in a pipeline can cause a reduction in flow, it can also cause a rise in energy consumption due to high pressures, or even plug the pipeline. In the worst case it can cause cracks or flaws in the line with disastrous consequences, such as spills and the many associated dangers.
From the construction phase until abandonment, all pipelines require pigging at certain moments. The pigging experts at Intero Integrity Pipeline Services are specialists in selecting the best pig for the job. We choose only the best quality pigs from our suppliers, however for more challenging, critical jobs, we build our own pigs to the required specifications in order to guarantee the best possible service.
For pipelines without launchers and receivers, we also provide temporary installations, which will ensure a safe pipeline pigging process.