Emissions from flaring systems and combustion devices can be a major source of methane if they are not performing appropriately. Both in OGMP 2.0 L4/L5 as well as in the new EU Methane Regulation, the performance of flaring systems and combustion devices must be measured and reported; the EU regulation requires 98% Destruction Removal Efficiency (DER) for flaring and combustion devices.
For this reason, it is key to monitor and assess the performances of both flaring systems and combustion devices. Intero – The Sniffers offers monitoring and assessment of both in line with EU regulation and OGMP Technical Guidance Documents.
Flare efficiency monitoring
We measure and report your flare's performance with a multispectral Optical Gas Imaging camera that measures CH4 and CO2 in the fumes. It can be applied to all flares including maintenance flares, emergency flares as well as mobile flaring installations both permanently and periodically.

Incomplete combustion assessment
An incomplete combustion assessment is conducted in all the combustion devices that use gas as fuel. This is conducted with the portable Testo 350 which can be used in difficult places and measures the mass flow and emission rates.