We offer a number of general pipeline commissioning services depending on the product type and location of the pipeline. Once a pipeline passes a number of inspection tests, it is ready for use and can be filled with product.
The highly skilled and experienced team at Intero Integrity Services has developed specialized procedures to ensure this important stage is executed safely and efficiently, and always adapted to the special demands of the pipeline owner. It is a safe and efficient start-up solution. It is important that different requirements are set for the commissioning of low-pressure sewage systems than for high-pressure gas pipelines. For commissioning of transportation pipelines containing hydrocarbons, gas or liquid, we have developed an advanced vacuum method. This has proven to be efficient and cost-effective, with extreme reductions in the use of inert gases as well as an extreme reduction in product losses due to flaring of mixtures. As a result, environmental impact is minimal.
We also offer our clients the possibility to impose additional requirements beyond those of the applicable legislation and regulatory frameworks.
For us, pre-commissioning generally includes the activities that precede the commissioning of a pipeline or system.
Prior to commissioning, we offer the following inspections:
- Cleanliness inspection
- Out of roundness inspection
- Strength test
- Tightness test
- Stress test
- Baseline surveys on wall thicknesses (to allow any damage to be identified at a later date)
- Moisture level inspection.
If these and possibly other points are found to be in order, the pipeline can then be made inert, if necessary, before the commissioning takes place.